How To Change Windows Oem Logo

To get going, open the Registry Editor (hit the Start button and type regedit). If you’re not an administrator, you will be prompted to reauthenticate as one. Using the address bar at the top of.

Oem Logo Changer Windows 10

  1. Hi, I recently updated my lenovo laptop from dos to windows 10, but after this lenovo logo which appears after going to properties from my computer is missing, and also OEM information is empty from registration directry.
  2. So There are three ways to change the OEM logo and Support Information in Windows 7/Vista/XP. 1.Through registry 2. Direct method or 3. By Third party software Now i will discuss all the Method One by one:) so gets ready 1. First of all we will use the Third party software Name WinBubbles Using WinBubbles-Lite 2009. You can separately.
  3. I've made a multilanguage WIndows 7 disk with all updates (thank you nuhi!)but I'm stuck now on custome logo and wallpapers like the author in this thread. I'm trying to sysprep Windows 7 with OEM Logo, OEM info and change the default desktop wallpaper. Is there a way to do them all with NT Lite?

OEMInformation specifies OEM support information that will display in the Get Help app in Windows 10. This information includes the OEM’s support name, and a link to either the URL of their support website, or the URL or their support app. To learn more about the Get Help app, see Customize the Get Help app.

In Windows 10, the OS disables the help components that shipped in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 including the Help and Support Windows desktop application (HelpPane.exe). HelpPane.exe will continue to exist in the box, but calls to its interfaces will result in one of two outcomes:

  • If the user is offline, the OS launches the Getting Started app.
  • If the user is online, the OS opens a browser instance and redirects the browser to an online topic.

This change affects context-sensitive (or F1) help and accessing help from the menus for apps shipped with Windows including the shell.

How to change windows oem logo

Child Elements

SupportAppURLURI for the OEM support app. Required, unless SupportURL is present, in which case it is optional. If both are supplied, SupportAppURL is used. Add a parameter with a unique value to identify traffic coming from the Get Help app.
SupportProviderName of OEM support app or website. If not provided, the default Manufacturer name (from msinfo32.exe) will be used.
SupportURLSpecifies the URL of the support website for an OEM. Required, unless SupportAppURL is present, in which case it is optional. If both are supplied, SupportAppURL is used.

Deprecated settings

How To Change Windows Oem Logo

HelpCustomizedThis setting has been deprecated. To customize the Get Help app, define SupportURL or SupportAppURL as part of your OEMInformation.
LogoThis setting has been deprecated. No logo is used in the Get Help app.
ManufacturerThis setting has been deprecated. The Manufacturer name displayed in the Get Help app is now based on your System Manufacturer value defined in System Information (msinfo32.exe), unless you provide a SupportProvider parameter as part of your OEMInformation. When SupportProvider is provided, it will override the System Manufacturer name. This enables you to differentiate the name of your support app or website from the name of your brand if desired (i.e. 'Contact Contoso Support' vs 'Contact Contoso'). For this release, if SupportProvider is not present but the deprecated value Manufacturer is, it will still be used to support upgrade scenarios.
ModelThis setting has been deprecated. The Model name displayed in the Get Help app is now based on your System Product Name value, as defined in System Information (msinfo32.exe).
SupportHoursThis setting has been deprecated. Support hours are not shown in the Get Help app.
SupportPhoneThis setting has been deprecated. Support phone number is not shown in the Get Help app.

Valid Configuration Passes


How to change the oem logo in windows 10How To Change Windows Oem Logo



Oem logo changer windows 10How To Change Windows Oem Logo



Parent Hierarchy

Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | OEMInformation

Add Oem Logo Windows 10

Applies To

For a list of the Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup.

XML Example

The following example shows how to set OEM information.

Change Oem Info Windows 10

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