Ahnlab Ci

Ici vous trouverez la liste des logiciels incompatibles avec Kaspersky Small Office Security. Supprimez-les avant d'installer l'application.

  • For example, folders with the extensions.exe,.dll, and.hrmlog, as well as folders named AhnLab, Chrome, Microsoft, Mozilla, recycle.bin, and Windows will not be encrypted as these allow the victim to access the internet (e.g., to buy cryptocurrency for the ransom demand) or to keep the host stable.
  • For Small Business Owners. V3 Home is the right one for small businesses in any industry such as a coffee shop or an office. V3 Home enables you to easily check the security level of network in your business area and block any malicious access from anywhere in the world.
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Materials synthesis capabilities consist of four molecular beam epitaxy systems in four laboratories. One system is currently dedicated to developing ferroelectric monolayers and growing oxides on semiconductors.
Ahn lab sites
  • Distribution Method : Unknown
  • MD5 : 94ec34f9ca41fe94e800cd8cb8ab6a39
  • Major Detection Name :Trojan/Win32.Ruftar (AhnLab), TrojanSpy:Win32/Usteal.D (Microsoft)
  • Encrypted File Pattern : .EnCiPhErEd
  • Malicious File Creation Location :

- C:Users%UserName%AppDataLocalTempkod.exe
- C:Users%UserName%AppDataLocalTempZh8yO5IGMxXepAi.exe

  • Payment Instruction File : ÊÀÊ ÐÀÑØÈÔÐÎÂÀÒÜ ÔÀÉËÛ.txt

Ahnlab Customer Service

  • Major Characteristics : 오프라인 암호화(Offline Encryption)

Ahnlab Siteguard


Ahnlab Internet Security Download

  • Reference :https://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002347.html